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typeioc package

Dependency injection container for TypeScript / JavaScript


Class Description
ApplicationError Represents general purpose application error
ArgumentError Represents argument error. It is thrown when the argument value does not comply with the method specification
CircularDependencyError Represents circular dependency error. It is thrown when two or more service resolutions depend on each other directly on indirectly
DecoratorError Represents decorator error. It is thrown when an exception happens during service parts decoration (class, parameter, etc…)
ProxyError Represents proxy error. It is thrown when an exception happens during proxy - interceptor construction
ResolutionError Represents resolution error. It is thrown when an error happens during service resolution / instantiation


Interface Description
ICache Represents cached resolutions interface.
ICallInfo Represents a substitute parameters specification interface
IContainer Represents container interface
IContainerBuilder Represents container builder interface
IDecorator Represents a decorator style fluent cascading API services registration / resolution interface
IDecoratorRegistration Represents an entry into service registration fluent cascading API interface
IDecoratorResolution Represents fluent cascading interface for services resolution
IDynamicDependency Represents dynamic dependency interface
IInterceptor Represents interceptor specification interface
IName Specifies named registration interface with no additional steps within fluent cascading API Receives a value to be used named registrations / resolutions
IRegisterWithAs Represents an entry step within registration fluent cascading API sequence
IRegistration Represents an entry into service registration fluent cascading API interface
IResolveWith Represents fluent cascading interface for services resolution
ISubstituteInfo Represents substitute information encapsulation interface
IWithSubstituteResult Represents fluent cascading API interface for substitutes specification


Variable Description
builder Creates an instance on IContainerBuilder interface
callInfo Represents original substituted subject member type
decorator Creates an instance on IDecorator interface
interceptor Creates an instance on IInterceptor interface
scope Represents resolution life-cycle type definition

Type Aliases

Type Alias Description
CallInfoType Represents member substitution type values
Disposer Specifies an instance of the dispose action to be used during resolution disposal Receives an instance of the resolution
Factory Represents factory method registration interface. Receives an instance of a container IContainer and an array of optional parameters provided during resolution
Initializer Specifies an instance of the initialization action to be used during resolution instantiation. Receives an instance of a container IContainer and an instance of the resolved service
RegisterWithInitializeBy Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where initializeBy method was omitted
RegisterWithLazy Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where lazy and dispose methods were omitted
RegisterWithName Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where named method was omitted
ResolveWithArgs Represents a step within fluent cascading API resolution sequence where args method was omitted
ResolveWithAttempt Represents a step within fluent cascading API resolution sequence where attempt method was omitted
ResolveWithCache * Represents final step within fluent cascading API resolution sequence
ResolveWithName Represents a step within fluent cascading API resolution sequence where name method was omitted
ScopeType Represents resolution life-cycle type values
WithDecoratorRegister Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where registration is finalized
WithDecoratorRegisterInitializeBy Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where initializeBy method was omitted
WithDecoratorRegisterLazy Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where lazy and dispose methods were omitted
WithDecoratorRegisterName Represents a step within fluent cascading API registration sequence where named method was omitted
WithDecoratorResolver Represents service resolution fluent API step
WithDecoratorResolverArgs Represents service resolution fluent API step where args method was omitted
WithDecoratorResolverAttempt Represents service resolution fluent API step where attempt method was omitted
WithDecoratorResolverName Represents service resolution fluent API step where name method was omitted